CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program
Opens 21 Sep 2020 00:00 (PDT)
Deadline 17 May 2024 23:59 (PDT)

To continue on your previously opened applications click this link or the 'My Applications' button on your page header.

The deadline for consideration in the next funding review is 11:59pm PDT May 17,  2024.

The CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program is intended to increase the number of public Direct Current Fast Chargers (DCFCs) throughout B.C. to support the growing number of ZEVs on the road. The Program aims to target current gaps in the public DCFC network in B.C. such as Indigenous communities, rural and northern areas, and city centers experiencing long queues for DCFCs due to high ZEV uptake. 

The Program will provide varying rebates of up to $80,000 per charge port depending on charger output, to a maximum of 50% of project costs, with enhanced rebates of up to $130,000 per port, to a maximum of 90% of costs for Indigenous communities.

This program will be open and accepting applications until the funding is depleted.

Please visit for more information on the CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program and visit for more information on the CleanBC Go Electric programs.

CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program

To continue on your previously opened applications click this link or the 'My Applications' button on your page header.

The deadline for consideration in the next funding review is 11:59pm PDT May 17,  2024.

The CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program is intended to increase the number of public Direct Current Fast Chargers (DCFCs) throughout B.C. to support the growing number of ZEVs on the road. The Program aims to target current gaps in the public DCFC network in B.C. such as Indigenous communities, rural and northern areas, and city centers experiencing long queues for DCFCs due to high ZEV uptake. 

The Program will provide varying rebates of up to $80,000 per charge port depending on charger output, to a maximum of 50% of project costs, with enhanced rebates of up to $130,000 per port, to a maximum of 90% of costs for Indigenous communities.

This program will be open and accepting applications until the funding is depleted.

Please visit for more information on the CleanBC Go Electric Public Charger Program and visit for more information on the CleanBC Go Electric programs.

21 Sep 2020 00:00 (PDT)
17 May 2024 23:59 (PDT)